How old is Augustin Hadelich? When is Augustin Hadelich's birthday? Where is Augustin Hadelich born? Where did Augustin Hadelich grow up from? What's Augustin Hadelich's age?
Augustin Hadelich Born: April 4, 1984 (age 39years), Cecina, Italy
How about Augustin Hadelich's education?
Augustin Hadelich Education: The Juilliard School
Was Augustin Hadelich in a fire?
In 1999, Hadelich was injured in a fire on his family's farm in Italy, and was airlifted to be treated in Germany. After his recovery, Hadelich graduated summa cum laude from the Instituto Mascagni in Livorno, Italy, and successfully auditioned for admission to The Juilliard School.
How old is Augustin Hadelich?
Hadelich studied composition at the Hanns-Eisler Academy of Music in Berlin and then at Juilliard, where he studied with the violinist Joel Smirnoff (now president of the Cleveland Institute of Music) and graduated in 2007 with an artist diploma.
Who did Augustin Hadelich study with?
Hadelich studied composition at the Hanns-Eisler Academy of Music in Berlin and then at Juilliard, where he studied with the violinist Joel Smirnoff (now president of the Cleveland Institute of Music) and graduated in 2007 with an artist diploma.
What kind of violin does Augustin Hadelich play?
VC Artist Augustin Hadelich has been granted the extended long-term use of the 1744 'Leduc/Szerying' Guarneri 'del Ges' violin.