How old is Cathy Hughes? When is Cathy Hughes's birthday? Where is Cathy Hughes born? Where did Cathy Hughes grow up from? What's Cathy Hughes's age?
Cathy Hughes Born: April 22, 1947 (age 76years), Omaha, Nebraska, United States
Is Cathy Hughes married? When did Cathy Hughes get married? Who's Cathy Hughes's married to? (Who's Cathy Hughes's husband / wife)?
Cathy Hughes Spouse: Dewey Hughes (m. 19791987), Alfred Liggins Jr (m. 19651967)
How about Cathy Hughes's parents?
Cathy Hughes Parents: Helen Jones Woods, William Alfred Woods
Does Cathy Hughes have any children? What are the names of Cathy Hughes's children? What are the ages of Cathy Hughes's children?
Cathy Hughes Children: Alfred C. Liggins III
How about Cathy Hughes's education?
Cathy Hughes Education: Creighton University, University of Nebraska Omaha, Duchesne Academy of the Sacred Heart
How about Cathy Hughes's awards?
Cathy Hughes Awards: NAACP Image Award Chairman's Award
How about Cathy Hughes's nationality?
Cathy Hughes Nationality: American
What is Cathy Hughes famous for?
After the station had been on air for seven years, WOL became profitable and Hughes purchased a second station, WMMJ, which she converted to a rhythm and blues station. Hughes' ownership group, Radio One, today known as Urban One, went on to purchase more than 50 radio stations in major cities.
Who is Cathy Hughes husband?
After the station had been on air for seven years, WOL became profitable and Hughes purchased a second station, WMMJ, which she converted to a rhythm and blues station. Hughes' ownership group, Radio One, today known as Urban One, went on to purchase more than 50 radio stations in major cities.
What radio stations does Cathy Hughes own?
After the station had been on air for seven years, WOL became profitable and Hughes purchased a second station, WMMJ, which she converted to a rhythm and blues station. Hughes' ownership group, Radio One, today known as Urban One, went on to purchase more than 50 radio stations in major cities.