She's Beautiful! STFU, Loser Trolls!

Posted by Larita Shotwell on Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Back in November of 2019, Angelina Pivarnick married Chris Larangeira in a lavish ceremony in – where else? – New Jersey,

But the reception was not the gaudily joyous occasion it was supposed to be. 

Thanks to some inappropriate remarks from Angelina’s castmates, Pivarnick’s big day turned into a big disaster – or at least the source of big debate for months on end.

As you probably know, Snooki, JWoww and Deena gave a bridesmaids’ speech that drew an overwhelmingly negative reaction.

Whether it was the wedding guests on hand, or the TV audience at home, the address was universally panned.

Many believe the bitter response from fans was a result of Pivarnick’s personal overreaction to the speech "toasting" her.

Some fans have even gone so far as to accuse her of killing the Jersey Shore franchise by forcing Snooki into retirement.

(Snooki quit the show before the season finale aired, and has followed through on her intent to retire.)

Whatever the case, these days, newlywed Angelina is a surprising focal point of the franchise, and a really divisive figure to boot.

Some have embraced her as the new leading female star on Shore, while others blame her for the destruction of a dynasty.

Nowhere is that division more apparent than in the comments on Angelina’s Instagram pics.

"Sparkle like a diamond," Angeliners captioned the pic above, which she posted earlier this week.

As is usually the case, most of the comments were favorable, and a few were … well …

We guess you would call them neutral.

Was the person who declared Angelina the "Kim Kardashian of Staten Island!" doing so ironically? As praise? As an insult?

We may never know.

But, of course, some of the remarks were obnoxiously negative, and sadly these voices will often get the most attention.

"Fake you are not all that, money buys you everything on your face and body," wrote one Pivarnick hater.

"Nah, I actually get it for free," Pivarnick replied.

This is actually a pretty clever comeback, as it brushes aside the criticism while making a separate point.

Angelina’s not denying that she’s had work done.

That would be pointless, and just untrue. She’s pointing out, however, that she gets work done for free.

In other words, she’s famous, and cosmetic surgeons will do the honor gratis in exchange for the plug.

Whatever you think of the MTV personality, that’s objectively cooler than lying and claiming your look is all natural.

Which, given the extent to which she’s trying to emulate Kim Kardashian these days (see below), would ring hollow.

Anyway, her husband was not in such a forgiving mood.

Angelina and Chris had known one another for 14 years prior to getting engaged, and while this is her first marriage, it was actually her third engagement.

She was previously engaged to David Kovacs in 2011 and Louie Gero in 2016.

And of course had that thing with Vinny, but that’s a story for another time.

When she first got engaged, Ang remarked that she and Chris fought constantly – like every night over dinner.

While that doesn’t exactly sound fun, or promising for the future, it didn’t knock them off course whatsoever.

And Chris’ fighting spirit is put to good use against her detractors – of whom there are more than a few.

Lately, he’s been in the habit of deflecting criticism away from Angelina, though this time, he did so by killing them with kindless.

Paying loving tribute to his bride not only scores points with the woman herself, but with celebrity gossip readers too.

"To me, she’s the most beautiful woman in the world and that’s all that matters," Larangeira wrote.

Angelina Pivarnick or Kim Kardashian: A Bunch of Pics You Can’t Tell Apart!


Okay, it might not be quite as effective in shutting up the trolls as some as his earlier, harsher comments were.

But it’s more effective in terms of making Angelina feel loved and appreciated, and in the end?

That’s really all that matters, isn’t it?
