Does YOUR car have a special box hidden beneath the arm rest? It'll save you money if you use it eve

Posted by Martina Birk on Wednesday, September 11, 2024

A SPECIAL box hidden within a car's armrest has been revealed as a handy holder for objects that will save you money.

A car saleswoman has revealed the hidden box to be a coin box in a TikTok video exposing features in the latest Honda for sale.

The short TikTok clip made by Parkway Honda in Toronto has highlighted the coin box as one of three cool features for drivers in the latest Honda CRV.

Inside the leather armrest on the car's centre console is a small area of space, which opens up to reveal an area of space that a little tray sits on top of.

That tray is intended for your coins, so that they don't get lost in the nooks and crannies of your car and that the shrapnel is easily available for parking machines.

"We've got a coin holder over here and you can position it in two different ways and if you didn't want to use it you can chuck it away," the host explains.

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The host also explains two other features in the car: a hydraulic car hood and reclining rear seats.

The hydraulic hood allows the hood of the car to open fully without the aid of a person, handy for a short or a weak person.

While the reclining back seats look perfect for anyone stuck in the car for a road trip over the Christmas period.

Commenters were angry they were shown the car's coinbox like they didn't know it was there.

Most read in Motors

"Not really a hidden feature…especially the hydraulic hood…come on…now if you said it had a table like the old CRV’s…that’s a cool/hidden feature," said one commenter.

"Coin holder... Come on," said another commenter.

"Humans have reached moon.. finally coin holder , hood pop up & back seats adjustable.. woow .. for 50k no thank you," said a third.

Meanwhile, one father has shown how he keeps his kids entertained by making them a backseat cinema with a 1p device.

Motorist Carmelo Severino has revealed the hack on his TikTok channel in a 13-second clip.

In the short clip, the man uses a plastic sheath out of a binder to hold his iPad in the car.

He removes the front passenger seat headrest and places the prongs through the holes in the sheath for the binder.
