How old is Mikaël Kingsbury? When is Mikaël Kingsbury's birthday? Where is Mikaël Kingsbury born? Where did Mikaël Kingsbury grow up from? What's Mikaël Kingsbury's age?
Mikaël Kingsbury Born: 1992 (age 31years), Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, Canada
How about Mikaël Kingsbury's parents?
Mikaël Kingsbury Parents: Julie Thibaudeau, Robert Kingsbury
How about Mikaël Kingsbury's disciplin_titl?
Mikaël Kingsbury Disciplin_titl: 10 Moguls (20122020, 2022)
How about Mikaël Kingsbury's nationality?
Mikaël Kingsbury Nationality: Canadian
How tall is Mikaël Kingsbury in meters or centimeters?
Mikaël Kingsbury Height: 5 9
How about Mikaël Kingsbury's weight?
Mikaël Kingsbury Weight: 150lbs
How about Mikaël Kingsbury's olympic medal?
Mikaël Kingsbury Olympic medal: Freestyle skiing at the 2022 Winter Olympics Men's moguls, MORE
How many World Cups has Mikael Kingsbury won?
With his 24 career Crystal Globes, Kingsbury has more World Cup season titles than any other freestyle skier in history. He currently sits at 80 career World Cup victories in 135 starts.
How many Olympic medals does Mikael Kingsbury have?
With his 24 career Crystal Globes, Kingsbury has more World Cup season titles than any other freestyle skier in history. He currently sits at 80 career World Cup victories in 135 starts.
How old is Mikael Kingsbury?
With his 24 career Crystal Globes, Kingsbury has more World Cup season titles than any other freestyle skier in history. He currently sits at 80 career World Cup victories in 135 starts.
How many crystal globes does Mikael Kingsbury have?
With his 24 career Crystal Globes, Kingsbury has more World Cup season titles than any other freestyle skier in history. He currently sits at 80 career World Cup victories in 135 starts.