How old is Vic Johnson (musician)? When is Vic Johnson (musician)'s birthday? Where is Vic Johnson (musician) born? Where did Vic Johnson (musician) grow up from? What's Vic Johnson (musician)'s age?
Vic Johnson (musician) Born: June 3, 1963 (age 60years), Los Angeles, California, United States
How about Vic Johnson (musician)'s albums?
Vic Johnson (musician) Albums: Lite Roast
How about Vic Johnson (musician)'s group?
Vic Johnson (musician) Group: Sammy Hagar and the Circle, The BusBoys, Sound Barrier
How old is Vic Johnson guitarist?
Sammy Hagar and the Circle (also known as The Circle) is a rock supergroup band originally formed in Miami in 2014, consisting of former Montrose and Van Halen vocalist Sammy Hagar, original Van Halen bassist Michael Anthony, drummer Jason Bonham and guitarist Vic Johnson.
Who plays lead guitar for Sammy Hagar and the Circle?
Sammy Hagar and the Circle (also known as The Circle) is a rock supergroup band originally formed in Miami in 2014, consisting of former Montrose and Van Halen vocalist Sammy Hagar, original Van Halen bassist Michael Anthony, drummer Jason Bonham and guitarist Vic Johnson.
When did Vic Johnson join Sammy Hagar?
But in the spring of '97, Vic's life changed yet again. He auditioned for Sammy Hagar's new band. He and Sam right away found many common interests, from mountain bikes and running to rock 'n' roll. "We started jamming," remembers Vic, "and Sam hired me on the spot."
Who is the drummer in The Circle?
Jason is the drummer in The Circle. Full bio below: Jason Bonham, born (July 15, 1966), British drummer and son of legendary Led Zeppelin drummer, John Bonham.